1 / 03 / 2019

On 6th March, Ivorypress hosted the book launch of El hombre alegría by Christian Bobin and José María Sicilia; Los días más bellos by Lucien Becker and Carlos León; and Antes de que venga la noche by Javier Santiso and Lita Cabellut, with the presence of Lita Cabellut, Carlos Léon, Javier Santiso, José María Sicilia and Ramón Torrelledó.

La Cama Sol is an editorial project born twenty years ago that promotes the dialogue between poetry and art, between poetry and technology. The publishing house works with poets, painters and sculptors to develop unique collaborations. Some publications also include augmented reality as a way to bring books to life and offer more content beyond the paper.

Javier Santiso (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, 1969) studied in Paris, Oxford and Boston. He has lived in London since 2015. A trained economist, he has been a professor and has participated in major international forums. He has published half a dozen books in publishing houses such as MIT, Oxford and Cambridge. As a university student in the Quartier Latin, he fell in love with the books of poets and painters. From those years, he remembers the walks with Octavio Paz in a city in the south of France, and with Salah Stétié in the streets of Paris. In 2015, Planeta published his book on the Spanish economic crisis, España 3.0: Necesitamos resetear el país. He has published El octavo día (2017) and Antes de que venga la noche (2018) with La Cama Sol.

Ramón Torrelledó (Castro Urdiales, 1956) was born in a family of musicians. His father, the composer and director Nicolás Tirre, was his first teacher. He studied piano, composition and orchestra conducting in Spain and the United States with professors Lukas Foss and Samuel Jones. Jesús López Cobos, his first teacher in orchestra conducting, introduced him to the profession. He has held senior positions in orchestras in Bucarest, Moscow, Cairo and Rostov, among others. As a composer, his catalogue covers symphonies, chamber, film and scenic music, as well as pieces for children.

Lita Cabellut (Huesca, 1961) is a multidisciplinary artist who lives in The Netherlands. Over the years, she has developed a unique way of working characterised by large-scale canvases that combine traditional fresco techniques and modern applications of oil paint. The crackle and defining palette give skin and life to her portraits of street dwellers, prostitutes, religious people, historical figures, fictional characters and influential people. The central theme of ‘the human’ and the societal messages that she communicates in her work are primarily expressed through paintings. However, beyond her defining monumental portraits, Cabellut is also a multidisciplinary artist whose work includes video art, visual poetry, scenography, drawings, installations and sculptures.

Carlos León (Ceuta, 1948) is a Spanish multidisciplinary artist whose work focuses primarily on pictorial production, installations, sculptural pieces and photography. Closely linked to the seventies French movement Supports-surfaces, which he introduced to Spain, his practice has always been tied to abstract expressionism. His work is included in the collections of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) and has been exhibited at the Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid, or Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid.

José María Sicilia (Madrid, 1954) is one of the most significant representatives of Spanish painting from the eighties. He began his artistic career studying at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid and subsequently moved to Paris in 1980 where he met Miquel Barceló and Miguel Ángel Campano who, along with José Manuel Broto and Ferrán García Sevilla, were some the most prominent Spanish artists of that time. His work is included in the collections of Fundación Juan March, MNCARS, MoMA and Guggenheim Museum, New York, among others.