EXHIBITION: Artist’s Book—No Book

28 / 12 / 2018

Thursday 10 January, 7 p.m., Ivorypress, C/Aviador Zorita 46-48.

Ivorypress hosted the exhibition Artist’s Book—Not a Book, a show including artists’ books by Fernanda Álvarez, Irma Álvarez-Laviada, Eugenio Ampudia, Jacobo Castellano, Patricia Cayón, Maite Centol, Isabel Cuadrado, Israel de la Peña, Julio Falagán, Cristina Ferrández Box, Iranidis Fundora ‘Iris’, Federico Granell, Fernando Gutiérrez, Hisae Ikenaga, Concha Jerez, Santi Lara, Abigail Lazkoz, Miky Leal, Eugenio López, Enrique Marty, Ricardo Mojardín, Rafa Sendín, Marta Serna, Elisa Terroba, Elisa Torréira, Vicky Uslé, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Daniel Verbis.

The exhibition draws from the curator, Laura Gutiérrez. When dismantling her parents’ library, she sent each artist a volume of old encyclopaedias, asking them to use it as a basis for creating an artist’s book or ‘not-a-book’. In total, twenty-eight artists participated in the project. In the words of the curator,

‘Apart from the immersion in the creative pool of redefining day-to-day activities in order to create a new reality, an analytic process has been structured. In it, we include premises related to reusing ideas and elements, the passage to new places, structural modifications of physical and mental spaces and, above all, the relationship between all this and the vital influence of the different environments in which we live throughout our life.’

The result is a no-library that requires the public to visit it in order to achieve its new function. Open until 2 February.