30 / 05 / 2018

Thursday 28th June, 19.30 p.m., Ivorypress, C/Comandante Zorita 46-48.

Migrant Journal is a six-issue print publication exploring the circulation of people, goods, information, fauna and flora around the world and its transformative impact on space. The journal aims to analyze the relationship between these elements, events, journeys and spaces bound under the idea of migration, a ubiquitous phenomenon with complex ramifications. Migrant Journal collaborates with artists, journalists, academics, designers, architects, philosophers, activists and citizens in order to critically rethink migration and the new spaces it creates. Co-organized by Tambourine Books.

Dámaso Randulfe is an architect, writer and an editor of Migrant Journal . Spanning research, image-making and installation, his work has been awarded and shown widely, including at Oslo Architecture Triennale, Venice Biennale, London Festival of Architecture, Architectural Association, and in publications such as After Belonging (Lars Müller, 2016), Purple, Re-Edition, San Rocco, Sleek and Wallpaper. Dámaso has lectured in several institutions and currently teaches at The Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design in London.

Husos is a transdisciplinary office of architecture and urbanism. Founded in 2003 by Diego Barajas and Camilo García, it is based in Madrid and operates regularly between Spain and Colombia. Their work is part of the collection of FRAC Centre Orléans and Rotterdam’s History Museum and has been awarded with the Zumtobel Award for Sustainability and Humanity. It has been shown at Venice Biennale, Rotterdam Biennale, Oslo Architecture Triennale, Matadero Madrid, Fundación Tàpies, Witte de With and PHotoESPAÑA. Camilo and Diego teach at the IE School of Architecture and Design, Madrid.