Book Night at Ivorypress

2 / 04 / 2018

Friday 20 April, 7.30 p.m., Ivorypress, C/Comandante Zorita 46-48.

On 20 April at 7.30 p.m. Ivorypress Bookshop participated in Madrid’s Book Night with the presentation of the book Works 1991-2016 with its author Fernando Casasempere in conversation with Fernando Fernández-Arias, Programs Director of Casa de América, and José Jiménez, professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid.

Fernando Casasempere (Santiago, Chile, 1963) is a sculptor who works with clay. After carrying out his artistic training in Spain over the course of five years, he now lives and works in London. His work explores themes related to landscape and the environment. Conceptually, his use of dirt and clay and his concern for ecology connect him to artists associated to the Land Art movement. Casasempere’s work attempts to make us reflect on our relationship with the environment. Casasempere lives and works in London.